Wednesday, January 14, 2015


"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" Many of us have heard that on a rushed morning after snoozing the alarm one too many times. It is very true that the way you begin your day is how it will unfold for you.
Starting your day off the right way can have many benefits within itself. This post will include tips and ideas for you to include from day to day in order to start your days off on a positive note and keep it going.

  • BE THANKFUL - Upon waking up, be thankful for another day of life! You have been given an opportunity that others are denied. Before starting your daily routine take about 5 minutes in bed and tell yourself you will have a good day, convince yourself of this as if it has already happened. Tell yourself an abundance of opportunities will come flowing in today. Be excited as you tell this to yourself.

  • BE MINDFUL OF YOUR THOUGHTS - Now its time to get out of bed, control your mind to focus on all that you are grateful for. Throughout showering be thankful for the access to clean water, clean water to brush your teeth with, the toothbrush and toothpaste you have. Be thankful for every single aspect that you are using in the process. This time is for yourself before encountering others at work, school, and overall interaction with others. Indulge in what you love, make yourself your favorite breakfast along with your favorite morning tea or coffee. Up to this point all of the following will help up your spirits.

  • DISREGARD NEGATIVITY - It's time to hit the road and get your day started and you are most likely going to begin some type of interaction with others at this point. Be mindful that negativity will try its best to creep in, don't allow it. Whether it is traffic, a coworker, or colleague; continue your positivity spree and either ignore their negativity or even better, in your head wish them a better day and better life situation.  

  • EVERY INDIVIDUAL SERVES A PURPOSE - Throughout your day keep a grateful state of mind. Every person you encounter serves a purpose in your life whether you believe it or not. Be thankful for those who provide services you benefit from. For example it's lunch time, you didn't pack lunch so now you're buying a sandwich from the local café, you guessed it be grateful for the person you made the sandwich down to the cashier who rang up your order. Chances are you aren't the only one who didn't pack lunch, its lunch hour so the whole place it full, the cashier is pressured and wasn't the most cheerful chipper person, either way be thankful.

  • ANALYSE YOUR FEELINGS - Lastly, if at any point in the day your day has shifted from being good to going 'bad', take a moment to analyze how you feel. Your feelings are ways to tell you what your thoughts are. If you're having thoughts of negativity, doubt, or insecurity than your feelings will be that as well. So what you can do here is simple, switch those feelings to positive ones again by being grateful and thankful for those situation that hold purpose somewhere although you cant see it yet.

Surround yourself with people you love, positive situations, and happiness. Staying positive is what makes life worth living. Make the best of it and live the life you are meant to live.

"When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to love"
-Marcus Aurelius


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